Paintbrush_widths1I’ve been a bit annoyed this year at how low my output has been compared to the number of projects I have in the pipeline. The fact is that the combination of representational art and airbrush doesn’t exactly lend itself to amazingly high output. To that end, I’m going to try changing my approach a bit.

The first change is to incorporate the more traditional method of acrylic painting with a hairy stick into my workflow. The goal is to take advantage of the strengths of both brush and airbrush while minimizing their weaknesses. Where airbrush is outstanding for shading, the brush is weak. Where the brush is strong in creating swathes of vibrant color and dynamic lines, the airbrush is tested. I don’t want the tools to be an impediment.

The second change is to tilt more towards impressionist and abstract works. It is so much easier to get finished work out with those methods. Truth be told, while my first painting influences were da Vinci and Michelangelo, my second were LeRoy Nieman and Peter Max. While I love realism, I also love bold colors and shapes. I have since I was a child. By bowing a bit to that second love, I hope to not only increase my throughput, but also scratch that creative itch.

It seems that I’ve come to a fork in the road and have decided to take it. (Thank you, Yogi Berra.) I hope the result is some interesting art. Since that’s actually for you to decide, I guess we’ll be on this trip together. So…I guess you better make yourself comfortable.

Photo: By Rdikeman at en.wikipedia (Transfered from en.wikipedia)