Because of the change of weather toward the colder end of the thermometer, I’ve had to engage in my yearly adjustment of art projects. My painting studio–let me rephrase: my unheated and uninsulated painting studio is now typically at 10° C (about 50º F) or cooler. As uncomfortable as it is to work in, the practical fact is that the paint isn’t a big fan of these temps as it’s outside its preferred temperature range.

I’m now gearing up the scratchboard projects. I will have to, on occasion, venture into the studio to do coloring and/or underpainting, but for the most part I’ll be sitting at my nice, warm art table and will be scratch, scratch, scratching away.

Winter is also a great time for a writing project or two. I have some well down the road of development. We’ll see if they bear fruit by the time the spring thaw arrives.