Basis 1: 1 dis (approx. 0.00299792458 Earth meters or about 0.118 Earth inches (obs.))
Basis 2: 1 feo = 1 × 105 dis (approx. 299.792458 Earth meters or about 983.571 Earth feet (obs.) or about 0.1863 Earth miles (obs.))
Basis 3: 1 tom = 1 × 1010 dis (approx 29,979,245.8 Earth meters; 29,979.2458 Earth kilometers; 18,628.24023 Earth miles (obs.))
De facto (unofficial): 1 lyd = c/kex (approx 2.99792458 × 1012 Earth meters; 1,862,823,971 Earth miles (obs.); 20.03987072 AU (obs.)) — used for interstellar distances.
De facto (unofficial): 1 iat (pronounced as “yacht”) = c/wi = 1 lyd x 105 (approx 31.68876466 light years) — used for intergalactic distances.
Using the perceived constant of the speed of un-influenced photons in a perfect vacuum (c), the distance traveled in c × 10-10 tics is the standard of length. It is usably short and can be easily adjusted for scale by simply adjusting the magnitude (e.g. 1 kilodis = 1000 dis; 1 millidis = .001 dis; etc.)