As the new year has arrived, I thought it was time for another update.

I’m still writing scripts for Terminator – The Connor Wars which will keep me busy for the first three months of the year (maybe a bit less). Once that’s done, a major priority is to put together a useful theme for this site. Following the surprise skedaddle from my previous web host, I had to slap something up that would at least be minimally useful. Sadly, that’s all it is. So…sometime this spring the site is getting a major make-over.

Started working on a pencil sketch. It’s clear that I haven’t been day-to-day arting for 8-9 months. It’s a bit rough. C’est la vie. When I can get back to the easel in a few months, it will be a pleasant change — not that I don’t love writing, but I’ve been doing that with little in the way of breaks since mid-April. I could use a bit of a change to work out different creative muscles.

In the meantime, stick with me. Barring anything like “normal” employment this should turn out to be a productive year on the image-producing side. I’m getting very interested to see what I come up with.