We’re entering the home stretch with The Connor Wars. My plan is still to be done writing drafts by the end of March. After that… who knows?

I am definitely thinking of changing my mindset when it comes to art stuff. It’s not so much a change in media (though that might be an element) but of philosophies. This script project has reinforced the idea that I get a lot more enjoyment and better results from the creative arts when I just do what I want instead of going in with a plan geared more for pleasing the gods of commerce rather than the Muses.

Not that I’m anti-making-a-living. It’s just that the two aren’t as exclusive as the more trollish bean-counters would have you think. Art isn’t a commodity that can be easily reduced to specifications and group-think. As with technical innovation, it comes of its own accord. When done well, it also can populate one’s purse with copper and silver (gold and platinum is the end result of other forces).

The philosopher Hegel said: “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” Since I think aspirations should tilt toward the great, I think it might be best to fuel the fires of passion and see what happens.

…but I have scripts to write, first. I must away.