
First-time Quill Experience

I had never used a quill pen. Despite having dabbled and practiced with calligraphy since I was a teen some mumblemumble years ago, my experience was pretty much limited to dip pens with metal nibs and calligraphy fountain pens. I figured the time had come to correct that incomplete education. Quill were the primary writing instrument, at least in Europe and its empired regions, for about 1300 years. It is, therefore, probably the most "honest" writing experience you can have if you want to share the experience of artists, saints, sinners, diplomats, scared conscripts, and just about everyone else who was literate during that span. I ordered some uncut goose quills. I got them cured (heat treated) so I had a baseline for when I did it myself. Then I basically did what the Internet told me to do. Most web pages and videos describe square-cut nibs, but having used steel nibs for years, I knew the adjustments to make for [...]

By |August 6th, 2015|Categories: Calligraphy|Comments Off on First-time Quill Experience

Android Me On Sale

"The time has come," our CJ said, "To talk of publishment: Of tales, and sales, and tech travails, Of books, both e- and print..." It's time, folks. Android Me is now officially available for sale. For now, the book is available only at Amazon (in the US and other countries) in both print and Kindle editions (click on over to the official Android Me page for links). I also plan on making it available via other sellers before too long, but Amazon has been good to me, and I wanted to give them first crack at it. However, since I do plan on making at least the e-book version non-exclusive to Amazon, that means I won't be signing on to KindleSelect -- which requires exclusivity. So, don't wait for a free Kindle edition out of this release. That said, if you buy the print book, you will be able to get the Kindle version for (as of this writing) 1/3 of its usual price. [...]

By |January 1st, 2015|Categories: Fiction, Writing|Tags: , , , |2 Comments
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