My Fountain Penning Daily Lineup
I like writing with fountain pens — which I’ve written about before. I like the old-school quality that makes me feel connected to a nib & ink tradition that spans millennia. I like the variety of inks. I like that the ease of writing means a carpal tunnel flair-up is less likely than with other types of pens, pencils, and even keyboards. On the various social networks, I’m sometimes asked what I use (especially when I do videos). As you can imagine, what I use varies quite a bit, but I do have my everyday items as well as my go-tos that for one reason or another aren’t quite in the everyday category.
Android Me Read-aloud-through
Android Me is in the home stretch before typesetting. I'm currently doing the read-aloud-through, which is like a read-through except I, you know, do it out loud. Think of it as an audio book but with (lots of) editing. When it comes to prose, I've considered myself a storyteller. That means thinking of a story as something that will be spoken, not just read. It's a truism that words that are spoken can almost always be easily read; it is not also the case that words that can be read will be easy to speak. Harrison Ford has recounted that he once told Lucas about Star Wars, "George, you can type this shit, but you can't say it!" I also find that you discover a lot of phrases that a reader might not much mind but sound odd to the ear. Sometimes it's insufficient or incorrect punctuation. Sometimes it's word choice. Sometimes it's because you used a similar phrase three paragraphs back and it [...]