Just One of the Reasons I Buy Ampersand “Bords”
Today, when I was prepping boards for acts of art, it was again hammered home why the higher price of Ampersand's family of "bords" is worth it. I find the best surface for airbrushing is [...]
Today, when I was prepping boards for acts of art, it was again hammered home why the higher price of Ampersand's family of "bords" is worth it. I find the best surface for airbrushing is [...]
Because of the famously bad batch of frisket that has permeated the market for the past few years, airbrush artists have been trying to find ways to mask their works. The trick is: how to get masks to stay in place if you work on an easel? My preferred method is to hold them in place using strong magnets. To that end, I need to use a sheet of steel on my easel behind the boards I'm painting.
One aspect of airbrushing that adds an element of difficulty peculiar to the discipline is the use of masks and shields. These spray obstructions are important tools in the shaping of crisp artwork. When you [...]
I've had to interrupt my work on "Stolen Moment" to work on a commission of a butterfly. I'm not a big fan of having to suspend one work for another, but you do what you [...]
10/23/08 - The painting that has been in-progress for well over a year is now started. The board is on the easel and the sketch has been made. Now all I have to do is [...]
9/16/08 - As foretold, the Desert Landscape painting is now back in the cubby. What I'm currently working on (after a bit of a mishap that had just been waiting to happen) is a quick [...]