Why I Write “Strong Female Characters”

Whether the storytelling is with words or paint, what story you tell, and how, reflects on the creator. via Why I Write "Strong Female Characters".

By |2014-02-21T00:13:48-07:00May 22nd, 2012|Writing|Comments Off on Why I Write “Strong Female Characters”

But I Don’t Wanna Rewrite!

Rewriting is a pain in the arse. There's no getting around it. It's time-consuming and often tedious. When you're rewriting yourself, it's even more difficult. Still, this is a huge part of the craft of writing. All writers have to become good at it.

By |2016-10-23T22:20:34-06:00April 24th, 2008|CJCS post|Comments Off on But I Don’t Wanna Rewrite!

Building a Story – Part 1: Premise and Parents

How do you make a story? Individually, all the tips and hints you get about writing, while useful, are pretty much left for the writer to implement for themselves. This multi-part blog is intended to be a live-as-it-happens exploration in how to put everything together to construct a story.

By |2016-10-23T22:20:35-06:00April 16th, 2008|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on Building a Story – Part 1: Premise and Parents
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