Just One of the Reasons I Buy Ampersand “Bords”
Today, when I was prepping boards for acts of art, it was again hammered home why the higher price of Ampersand's family of "bords" is worth it. I find the best surface for airbrushing is [...]
Today, when I was prepping boards for acts of art, it was again hammered home why the higher price of Ampersand's family of "bords" is worth it. I find the best surface for airbrushing is [...]
10/23/08 - The painting that has been in-progress for well over a year is now started. The board is on the easel and the sketch has been made. Now all I have to do is [...]
9/16/08 - As foretold, the Desert Landscape painting is now back in the cubby. What I'm currently working on (after a bit of a mishap that had just been waiting to happen) is a quick [...]