Dancing With Fanfic

Fan Fiction, or fanfic, is treated as a bit of a dirty word in some circles despite lots of people writing it. I don't think it's a dirty word at all. In fact, a lot of people came to my writing because of the fanfic I've written over the years. Because of that, and because some of the

By |2016-10-23T22:20:27-06:00February 19th, 2012|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on Dancing With Fanfic

A Little Writing Exercise

Over on my other site, I've been writing a lot about the series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Usually it's fandom stuff, but I recently posted a 2-part series that sort of gives some insight into how I develop stories using character and story arcs. I'm posting links to it here

By |2016-10-23T22:20:33-06:00December 30th, 2008|Writing|Comments Off on A Little Writing Exercise
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