WIP Novel Draft 2 Progress

For me, a novel's 2nd draft is where the work gets done. The first draft is fun -- filled with flights of fancy, expedient shortcuts, and little regard for strict adherence to continuity. Going into [...]

By |2016-10-23T22:20:23-06:00June 6th, 2013|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on WIP Novel Draft 2 Progress

My 2012 Writing Toolkit (addendum)

I realized, after I posted My 2012 Writing Toolkit, that a couple of things went missing. I blame myself. That first list was very software oriented, and I sort of stuck with that. I'll try to fix that, and give a more complete picture, with these additions.

By |2016-10-23T22:20:27-06:00February 11th, 2012|Writing|Comments Off on My 2012 Writing Toolkit (addendum)

Best Writing Software Since the Word Processor

Word processing software changed the world of the writer. Changes were now easy. But what about the writing craft itself? While many have tried, only now has software been developed that can truly help the writer as they are creating.

By |2016-10-23T22:20:34-06:00May 5th, 2008|Writing|Comments Off on Best Writing Software Since the Word Processor
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