Welcome to Serees
I've done many images of Serees for various purposes. This is a near-photorealistic one I dashed off in Blender; texture maps done in Photoshop; clouds courtesy of NASA. Where are we? On the north shore [...]
I've done many images of Serees for various purposes. This is a near-photorealistic one I dashed off in Blender; texture maps done in Photoshop; clouds courtesy of NASA. Where are we? On the north shore [...]
Today, when I was prepping boards for acts of art, it was again hammered home why the higher price of Ampersand's family of "bords" is worth it. I find the best surface for airbrushing is [...]
Now that the pieces are in place, elements of plot are developed.
Following the addition of our primary support character, we can then turn out attention to the plot itself.
Continuing with construction of the story by focusing on our two main characters. By fleshing them out, we are one step closer to the point where we can write.
How do you make a story? Individually, all the tips and hints you get about writing, while useful, are pretty much left for the writer to implement for themselves. This multi-part blog is intended to be a live-as-it-happens exploration in how to put everything together to construct a story.