writing (ri’-ting) n. 1) The act of creating written works; 2) The work of a writer; 3) Something written, such as a book, article, or script.
Despite having spent so much time committing acts of art, I still consider myself, first and foremost, a writer. It’s more of a mindset, I think, than anything objective.
From the late 1980s to early 2000s, I worked as a screenwriter. While I wrote scripts, had some optioned, and worked on scripts by others in various capacities, I can’t say that you can hie on over to IMDB and look me up. It is partly due to the NDAs that were so de rigueur on the projects I was on. Sadly, despite the work, nothing was produced (some got soooo close). Consequently, this beloved career was more-or-less eventually left on the Hollywood scrapheap of unrequited dreams. C’est la vie.
Although I still think like, and think of myself as, a screenwriter, since the early 2000s I’ve mostly written in more accessible prose and verse — which are very different from the screenwriting style I was trained in. I’ve written short stories and even poems that have been published, but I’ve been unable to find links to those works.
I also have a couple of novels available on various outlets such as Amazon (which I will link to below). I do have a couple of sequels outlined for Android Me, and I’m mostly just waiting for the luxury of time (and cash reserves) to devote to the process.
Que Será Serees (What Will Be, Serees?)

Que Será Serees is a science fiction action story about an alien government official from the planet Serees who is forced to become part of the resistance when Earth’s government decides to invade the planet.
That’s the bland, “blurb” version that is fine. I do want to make a couple of comments. First, our alien species, the Ligrosians, only have one gender. Because of that, they have a set of pronouns they use for their situation. It can make reading the story a little difficult until you stop fighting and just go with it (image what it was like writing it). It has come to serve as an example for folks who opt not to see the world in strictly binary terms, which has been an interesting effect.
And I know I shouldn’t say this, but I was actually happier with a draft that came before this one. Don’t get me wrong, this story is fine, but I had to cut a chapter that I really enjoyed and I’m still a little raw about it. Maybe someday I’ll put together a kind of “Director’s Cut” reissue…but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Android Me

Android Me is a science fiction story of a group of androids who were accidentally made sentient. Since society has tried to be careful about how intelligent and autonomous A.I. machines should be, lest they attack their makers, being a sentient android isn’t a design with a long life expectancy. The situation becomes tense when each species fights for its own survival.
I have to say that I really enjoy this story. It tries to focus on what it means to be a sentient creation while also being an action piece. Two sequels are planned and are simply waiting for a block of time sufficient for their writing, editing, rewriting, re-editing, re-rewriting, artwork, layout, publishing, and marketing. (I.e. the more art merch and books you buy, the sooner they’ll come to fruition.)