Dancing With Fanfic

Fan Fiction, or fanfic, is treated as a bit of a dirty word in some circles despite lots of people writing it. I don't think it's a dirty word at all. In fact, a lot of people came to my writing because of the fanfic I've written over the years. Because of that, and because some of the

By |2016-10-23T22:20:27-06:00February 19th, 2012|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on Dancing With Fanfic

Home Stretch

We're entering the home stretch with The Connor Wars. My plan is still to be done writing drafts by the end of March. After that... who knows? I am definitely thinking of changing my mindset [...]

By |2014-02-20T15:03:25-07:00February 10th, 2010|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on Home Stretch

Happy 2010!

As the new year has arrived, I thought it was time for another update. I'm still writing scripts for Terminator - The Connor Wars which will keep me busy for the first three months of the [...]

By |2016-10-23T22:20:30-06:00January 1st, 2010|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on Happy 2010!

A Holiday Season Update

I'm still fully engaged in writing The Connor Wars -- a/k/a the project that has taken over my life. Last April, I thought it would be an interesting experience for some tyro writers as well [...]

By |2014-02-20T15:01:51-07:00December 9th, 2009|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on A Holiday Season Update

A Writin’ Machine

8/15/09 - I've done no art since April. None. I've been writing. Here's the thing: Regardless of how well I do with the art, in my head I consider myself, first and foremost, a writer. [...]

By |2016-10-23T22:20:30-06:00August 15th, 2009|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on A Writin’ Machine

Trippin’ on the Fanfic

I've been sort of "meh" with a lot of potential writing projects as of late. I don't really know why. I think part of the reason has been that I've been away from screenwriting for [...]

By |2016-10-23T22:20:33-06:00April 15th, 2009|Fiction, Writing|Comments Off on Trippin’ on the Fanfic
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